The Abraham Foundation partners globally with grassroots organizations looking for innovative ways to help species at risk or animals suffering from abuse.
We act as an advocate for those who have no voice of their own.
ANIMALS ASIA (Vietnam + China) - is fighting to end the farming of bears for bile in Vietnam and China and bring them to sanctuary while helping to end the suffering of animals in captivity. Click for more.
✴️CENTER FOR CONSERVATION RESEARCH (Sri Lanka) - is the leading research organization in Sri Lanka bringing development in human elephant conflict (HEC) - the primary issue for conservation in the region. Rapidly expanding human populations convert ever greater extents of land for development and agriculture, increasing the interaction between people and elephants, leading to a high level of HEC. Click for more.
DYER ISLAND CONSERVATION TRUST (South Africa) - has been established for the conservation, rehabilitation and protection of the natural environment. Conducting educational and training programs relating to environmental awareness, clean-up projects, and conservation research. Click for more.
✴️ELEPHANT NATURE PARK (Chiang Mai, Thailand) - is an elephant rescue and rehabilitation center in Northern Thailand where volunteers and visitors are part of the solution. ENP has been involved in hundreds of rescues which have created their thriving elephant herd. The park provides a natural environment for rescued elephants, dogs, cats, buffalos and many other animals under their care. Click for more.
✴️FRIENDS OF BONOBOS | LOLA YA BONOBO (Democratic Republic of the Congo) - is the world’s only organization to provide lifetime care to bonobos orphaned by the illegal trade in endangered wildlife. They are on the front line in the battle to protect bonobos in the only country they are found – The Democratic Republic of Congo. Click for more.
INTERNATIONAL CRANE FOUNDATION (Sauk County, Wisconsin) - works worldwide to conserve cranes and the ecosystems, watersheds, and flyways on which they depend. They provide knowledge, leadership, and inspiration to engage people in resolving threats to cranes and their diverse landscapes. Click for more.
GIBBON CONSERVANCY CENTER (Santa Clarita, CA) - is a non-profit center to promote the conservation, study and care of gibbons through public education and habitat preservation. This project houses the rarest group of apes in the Western Hemisphere and the only institution in the world to house all four genera of gibbon making them crucial to the future of their survival.
LIMBE WILDLIFE CENTER (Cameroon, Africa) - is a conservation education centre in Limbe, Cameroon. Their goals are to rescue, rehabilitate and release wildlife rescued from the illegal bush meat and pet trades; ensure high quality animal husbandry standards and veterinary care for all animals; and help secure the long term survival of threatened and endangered species native to Cameroon through conservation education and alternative employment programmes for the local community. Click for more.
ONTULIL PRIMATES PROJECT (Kenya, Africa) - is a community-based organization situated at the foothills of Mount Kenya. It sits along the Ontulili River, bordering Laikipia and Meru counties in Central Kenya. This riverine ecosystem is home to various primate species including the Black and White Colobus, Sykes’ monkeys and Lesser Bush Babies/Galagos. Aware of the fact that the primates are reducing in numbers led to the formation of OPP to help create awareness among landowners and community members of the plight of their river and its natural inhabitants. Click for more.
PAN AFRICAN SANCTUARY ALLIANCE (Africa) - is the largest association of wildlife centers in Africa. The 23 member organizations in 13 countries secure a future for Africa’s primates and their habitat. The combination of PASA’s global network and our members’ local expertise uniquely positions the Alliance to protect chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and monkeys from extinction. Click for more.
POLAR BEAR INTERNATIONAL (Bozman, Montana) - conserving polar bears and the sea ice they depend on. Working to inspire people to care about the Arctic, the threats to its future, and the connection of this fragile ecosystem to our global climate. As a science-based organization with staff including leading polar bear scientists and partnerships that span the circumpolar Arctic, we focus on addressing both the long- and short-term challenges that polar bears face, with a goal of sustaining a future for the bears across the Arctic. Click for more.
SAVE THE DOGS (Romania + Ukraine) - is a nonprofit organization heroically managing to help feed thousands of household pets that have been left behind to suffer the devastating consequences of the on-going war in UKRAINE. Help before it's too late.
SARA'S SANCTUARY (Seattle, WA) - was created to provide a lifetime home to abandoned, abused, and disabled captive born wild animals. We give the animals that come to us a quiet, predictable, safe, stress-free and loving home. Something many of these animals have never known before. Click to learn more.
SAVE THE ELEPHANTS (Africa) - works to secure a future for elephants in a rapidly changing world. To battle the current surge in ivory poaching, the STE/WCN Elephant Crisis Fund is identifying and supporting the most effective global partners to stop poaching, thwart traffickers and end demand for ivory. Leaders in elephant science, STE also provides cutting-edge scientific insights into elephant behavior, intelligence, and long-distance movement and applies to the long-term challenges of elephant conservation. Click for more.
SOS EL ARCA (Playa del Carmen, Mexico) -rescues, rehabilitates and gives shelter to the abused, hurt, hungry, and diseased animals on the streets. Their care extends for their entire lives or until a new loving home is found. Ultimately they strive to resolve this crisis by decreasing the growth of over population providing free massive spay and neuter campaigns each month to the communities of extreme poverty. Click for more.
VULPRO (South Africa) - Protecting African vultures through collaboration and innovation is how VulPro, a grassroots organization, believes in saving Africa's vultures from extinction. VulPro believes in a multi-faceted approach to conservation strategies, including rehabilitation, captive breeding, research, habitat protection, education and community involvement. Click for more.
✴️WILDLIFE ACTION GROUP (Malawi, Africa) - is a grassroots NGO co-managing two governmental protected forest reserves in Central Malawi. Their work involves activities to stop illegal poaching of African wildlife (elephants, antelopes, monkeys, leopards) and stop deforestation of the forest reserves; protect and conserve an important biodiversity hotspot in Malawi for animals, birds, insects, plants and trees; and work holistically with local communities to help protect and conserve the forest and wildlife through education, wildlife law enforcement and income generating activities. Click for more.
WILDLIFE ALLIANCE (Southeast Asia) - provides on-the-ground protection to one of the last un-fragmented rainforests in Southeast Asia. The Cardamom Rainforest Landscape is a critical part of the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot which supports populations of >50 IUCN Threatened species of vertebrates and serves as the region’s most important watershed, climate regulator and carbon sink. Click for more.
WILD BIRD FUND (New York, New York) - is a state and federally licensed 501(c)(3) nonprofit that rehabilitates sick, injured and orphaned wildlife and releases them back to the wilds of New York City. Each year, we rehabilitate more than 7,500 animals and treat more than 150 species, from common house sparrows, pigeons and Eastern gray squirrels to rarities such as Virginia rails and snowy owls. Click to learn more.
WILD HORSE RESCUE CENTER (Webster, Florida) - is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare, rescue, and preservation of America’s wild horses – the mustangs. WHRC receives mustangs who have been taken from the wild and have ended up in neglectful or abusive situations. WHRC rehabilitates these wild horses so they have the chance to get adopted into good homes and have a dignified life after being taken from the wild. Click for more.
✴️WILDLIFE MADAGASCAR (Madagascar, Africa) - is committed to conserving lands and primary forest in Madagascar, which are essential to maintaining the country's unique wildlife. By safeguarding biodiversity through multiple approaches and with wide-ranging partnerships, we seek to help combat the effects of climate change and conserve Madagascar’s unique biodiversity. We focus on partnering with Malagasy communities to find sustainable conservation solutions and improve livelihoods.